TH23  More than Mapping: Improved Earth-Sensing Technology for Future Site Selection and Characterization

Next-generation nuclear technology promises to expand where nuclear power plants are sited and built. Site characterization often requires critical early decisions that can determine the success of nuclear power projects. Advances in earth science, from improved remote sensing technology to powerful computer processing techniques, have revolutionized the ability to investigate and measure the earth and could potentially streamline project development. Leading experts from industry and research institutions will gather to discuss the evolution and potential revolution of geoscience and related technology in order to answer the question: what tools will be used to characterize sites for nuclear facilities in 2075?

  • Jason DeJong, University of California-Davis
  • John Kemeny, Split Engineering, LLC
  • John Diehl, Owner, GEOVision Geophysical Services
  • Frederic Day-Lewis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Dale Rucker, Chief Technical Officer, hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc.

  • Ryan Payne, Geophysicist, Structural, Geotechnical and Seismic Engineering Branch, Division of Engineering, RES/NRC e-mail: Ryan.Payne@nrc,gov

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, January 7, 2025