John Nakoski
Mr. John A. Nakoski is the Deputy Head of the Division of Nuclear Safety Technology and Regulation at the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). He has more than 40 years experience working in the nuclear field as a test and refueling engineer for the U.S. Navy, as an inspector and technical expert for the U.S. NRC, and as a nuclear safety specialist with the NEA. While at the U.S. NRC, he held leadership roles in the areas of regulatory program development, licensing, pressurized water reactor system analysis, rulemaking, license renewal, inspection program development, vendor oversight, engineering research, reactor oversight programs, and probabilistic risk assessment use in regulatory decision-making. In his current role at the NEA, he provides leadership and guidance to a diverse international team of technical, policy, and regulatory experts in addressing regulatory challenges being faced in the pursuit of energy independence and achieving carbon reduction goals.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, February 26, 2025