Victor Gilinsky

Victor Gilinsky is a physicist and was a commissioner of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission during the Ford, Carter, and Reagan administrations (1975 - 1984).  Before his nomination to the NRC Dr. Gilinsky was a Special Assistant to the Atomic Energy Commission's Director of Regulation. In that post, he played a role in a major reorganization of the AEC's Regulatory Staff. From 1972 to 1973, he was Assistant Director for Policy and Program Review in the AEC's Office of Planning and Analysis.

Before his service to the NRC and the AEC, Dr. Gilinsky was Head of Rand Corporation's Physical Sciences Department. Dr. Gilinsky also was Director of its Applied Science and Technology Program and an Air Force Strategic Studies Program. He provided broad direction for research efforts in energy technology, atmospheric and ocean modeling, biosciences, lasers, and military and space systems.

Dr. Gilinsky graduated in 1956 from Cornell University with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics. He received a Ph.D in Physics in 1961 from California Institute of Technology.

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