Time & Cost Savings Through Paperless Payment Methods

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

This exhibit will showcase the use of Pay.gov by NRC licensees and customers to comply with the fiscal year 2024 Fee Rule Policy on Paperless Payment Methods that goes into effect on October 1, 2024. The objective of using Pay.gov as the payment method is to improve stakeholder experience with NRC payment remittances. Pay.gov provides a more efficient, timely, accurate, and cost-effective way to make electronic payments to the NRC. The exhibit will focus on demonstrating the user-friendly and efficient nature of Pay.gov and eBilling. Onsite exhibit video displays on a laptop will demonstrate the step-by-step instructions on submitting payments to the NRC through Pay.gov. The takeaway messages are that Pay.gov is the best way to make for payments and that it will be part of the NRC Fee Rule Policy, effective
October 1, 2024.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 19, 2024