W16  Regional Session: Shedding Light on Regional Oversight

The purpose of this session is to align industry stakeholders on contemporary topics involving the NRC’s inspection and oversight programs. Topics will include areas of common interest to internal and external stakeholders from the four regional offices. The session will include allotted time for each of the four regional participants to present remarks that include their perspectives on the current state of the NRC’s oversight programs, followed by answers to audience submitted questions.

Anticipated topics include, but are not limited to, an increased awareness of the current technical, regulatory, staffing, knowledge management, and innovation challenges facing the regions, as well as regional and agencywide successes in these areas.  The panel will address how each region is leveraging existing NRC initiatives (e.g., the Agency Strategic Plan, the Office of the Executive Director for Operations focus areas, Be riskSMART, and the Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan) to address these challenges and reach their desired outcomes.

Takeaway messages will include broad regional alignment on the vision for the NRC to become a modern, risk informed regulator that achieves mission excellence in a diverse, inclusive, and innovative environment with a highly skilled, adaptable, and engaged workforce.

  • Scott Morris, Deputy Executive Director for Reactors and Preparedness Programs, OEDO/NRC


  • Clinton McGill, Unclassified Duties, Office of the Regional Administrator, RII/NRC e-mail: Clinton.McGill@nrc.gov
  • Julie Winslow, Senior Project Engineer, Palisades Restart Team, Division of Operating Reactor Safety, RIII/NRC e-mail: Julie.Winslow@nrc.gov

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, February 26, 2025